Eight Prohibitive and Fasting Precepts Ceremony, 2025

Eight Prohibitive and Fasting Precepts Ceremony, 2025

On New Year’s Eve of 2024, Chung Tai Chan Monastery held the Ceremony of Eight Prohibitive and Fasting Precepts.

The transmission ceremony began at 10:30 a.m., with over 2,600 participants worldwide gathering to welcome the precept master, who formally conferred the Eight Precepts. After chanting praises, the precept master compassionately explained the significance of precept observance:

By taking refuge in the monastery and committing to a life guided by precepts, practitioners cultivate the bodhi mind, ensuring that:

  • The mind harbors no unwholesome thoughts.
  • The mouth speaks no harmful words.
  • The body engages in no negative actions.

Participants then listened attentively as the Eight Precepts were formally expounded:

  • No killing
  • No stealing
  • No sexual conducts
  • No lying
  • No intoxicants
  • No wearing garlands, jewelry, and perfume; refrain from dancing, singing, playing music, and seeing shows.
  • No sitting or lying on grand, luxurious seats or beds
  • No food after midday






  •    1. At the year-end and beginning of the New Year, the Eight Precepts Retreat was held, with preceptees gathering at the Perfect Illumination Lecture Hall. Precept Master Jianying was invited to preside over the ordination ceremony.
  • 2.3. During the ordination ceremony, the Preceptor encouraged preceptees to uphold, study, and practice the precepts. All preceptees listened respectfully.

With firm resolve, participants resoundingly affirmed their commitment, declaring, "I shall uphold it!"

They were reminded to integrate these precepts into their daily lives, thereby fulfilling the four great vows of gratitude and compassion while benefiting all beings. To deepen their understanding and inspire them to uphold the eight precepts for one day and one night with both faith and wisdom, the precept lecture master Jian Tao systematically explained the spirit, significance, and merits of each precept.

For a full day and night, participants diligently observed the precepts, culminating in the Dedication of Merit Ceremony at 7:00 a.m. on New Year’s Day 2025. Together, they prayed for world peace and for all sentient beings in the Dharma realms to be free from suffering and attain enlightenment.






  • 1.2. The preceptees purify body, speech, and mind through Buddhist practices such as repentance and cultivating mindfulness.
  •    3. The Precept Lecture Master explained the essence of observing precepts and the spirit of the Eight Precepts.