Shoe Dharma
A monk was just ordained. He heard that a Chan (Zen) Master speaks the Dharma with his every word and every action, so decided to pay special attention to how the Master wore his shoes. The first time, the Master was leaving the Grand Hall. He sat down to put on his shoes. The second time, the Master was leaving the Meeting Room. He held one hand onto the wall and put on his shoes with the other hand. The third time, the Master walked his shoes
in place as he left the Chan Hall. One day the monk was reading the Diamond Sutra, and when he came to the beginning passage, "Putting on his robe and holding the bowl, (the Buddha) walked into Sravasti to beg for food," he suddenly came to a realization: observe not how the Master puts on his shoes, but how his mind is when he puts on his shoes.
穿鞋法门 一位法师刚出家时,
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