Unmoving Mind
At one of the staff meetings in Linchuan Monastery, the Master harshly pointed out that our chanting was awkward. He called the chef monk, "Tell me what the reason is. Is it because you didn't cook enough rice, so that everyone had to chant with an empty stomach?" Chef monk stood up, held his palms together and said, "Yes, Master." The meeting continued. When Master found that construction was behind schedule, he called the chef monk again. "Why, did you forget to cook some desserts while the monks were out working hard? Is that why we were behind schedule?" Chef monk said respectfully, "Yes, Master." Throughout the meeting, the chef monk stood up repeatedly, every time calmly answering only with "Yes, Master."
万“罚”归一 一天, 会议继续,讨论至, 一直至会议结束,
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