大眾至誠以香供佛,祈願邁向精進的一年。 |
法會前,心燈組義工對事以真,複習流程。 |
中英文禪修班暨兒童禪修班學員,以跨越中外時空的戲劇,細說《梁皇寶懺》的緣起。會後,大眾歡喜合影。 |
Everyone was so supportive of each other and willing to be there for one another. I have seen Buddha Mind grow through the years in so many ways that I never would’ve thought possible, it makes me proud to be fulfilling the Grand Master’s vision in our small community.(每個人是如此地互相幫忙、彼此支持。這些年來看見了佛心寺在各方面的成長,這是以前我覺得不可能發生的;在這個小社區裡,我們逐步實現了開山祖師的願景,我深以為榮。)
I watched the cast, crew, volunteers, and Shifus smiling, laughing, encouraging, and supporting each other during rehearsals, as well as the performance. One moment stands out for me. Just prior to the performance, the cast gathered in the small meeting room and sat on the floor to meditate together. No one said a word afterward. No one needed to say a word. (不論排練或正式演出,劇組人員,義工菩薩,以及師父們總不忘以微笑、歡笑聲相互加油打氣。印象最深的一幕,是演出前大家坐在會議室的地板上一起靜坐;無聲更勝有聲,一切盡在不言中。)
Any time the fear of performing in front of a crowd arose, I compassionately embraced the sensation and gently asked myself the question: “Where is the I that is fearful?” The gradual cultivation of realizing an?tman (non-self) has helped to lessen the attachment to my reputation, and in turn has freed me to better help others wherever and however I’m called to.(每當站在大眾面前演出的恐懼感生起時,我練習先以慈悲心接納它,靜下心來反問自己:那個害怕的「我」到底在哪裡?「無我」的修習和體認,讓我放下對面子的執著,也更能隨順不同領域、不同方式的需求,自在發心。)
As a part of the Flower Offering group, I have found that the practice of mindfulness improves one’s ability to prepare beautiful arrangements. Also the deeper the concentration, the more one receives creative ideas for the arrangements.(身為花藝組的一員,我發現練習定心的當下,插花的技巧提升了,呈現出莊嚴的作品;當心愈定愈靜,許多靈感便自然湧現。)
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