美国佛心寺于二○一九年七月二十一至二十二日,举办「小佛心儿童夏令营」,一百余位学童、队辅与义工,在「Discover your inner superpower──发现潜藏的超能力」营队主题中,共同成长,欢喜无限。
此次营队融入超级英雄元素,以敬、慈、和、真、感恩为活动主轴,借情境短剧「Captain Dharma」开场,带领小朋友透过学佛行仪、角色扮演、蜜蜂采蜜游戏、团队拼图、手作冰淇淋等精彩课程,培养恭敬、慈悲、和睦、真诚精神;透过静坐、行香,找回平静专注的心。圆满日,恭诵《佛说父母恩重难报经》之〈十恩偈〉,小朋友将亲手制作的饼干、卡片送给父母,表达满满的感恩。
佛门行仪中,培养小朋友的恭敬心。 |
学童于静坐中,找回平静与专注的心。 |
大家通力合作,完成和睦愿景的拼图。 |
小朋友献上手作饼干,表达对父母的感恩。 |
恭敬队╱Tim Johnston
My favorite activity at the summer camp was meditation, because it is calming. Meditation could help my respect problems.(我最喜欢的营队活动是静坐,因为很平静。静坐帮助我反省有没有做到恭敬。)
慈悲队╱Sahkona Decker
I learned that superheroes can fix mistakes. I can use my superpowers to be a real superhero and save the world by being truthful and helping others.(我学到超级英雄会改正过失。我可以用真诚的心帮助别人,当一个真正的超级英雄拯救世界。)
和睦队╱Aiden Hammer
When someone bothers you, you have to treat them nicely.(当有人对我不礼貌时,还是要好好对待他们。)
真诚队╱LeeNa Mach
I can protect animals like mosquitoes, spiders, and running away quietly. I can spread my superpower of kindness to youngsters by giving them gifts, caring for them, and giving them hugs.(我可以保护动物,例如蚊子、蜘蛛等,然后悄悄离开。对比我小的小朋友,我可以发挥慈悲的超能力,送礼物、关心、拥抱他们。)
家长╱Kha Mach
Our family did the take home activities and learned about kindness, harmony, and the Buddha life that my kids learned at the summer camp. We are all very appreciative of the staff and volunteers. Thank you so very much!(我们全家一起完成营队的家庭作业,从中学到慈悲、和睦精神,及佛陀一生的故事。很感恩法师及义工的付出,谢谢你们!)
队辅╱Alice Barrett
At first I thought by volunteering that I was just helping to facilitate the camp and to teach the children. I didn’t realize that the camp would be such an education opportunity for myself.(最初以为只是单纯地协助营队运作及教导小朋友,却发现获益最多的是自己。)
队辅╱Carsen Moon
In the many hours I spent working with the shifus, volunteers, and amazing kids, I learned the very things we were trying to teach the campers—respect, kindness, harmony, truthfulness, and gratitude.(从所有共事的法师、义工及孩子身上,我学到了我们想教给小朋友的敬慈和真及感恩精神。)
队辅╱Priscilla Vargas
I had a lot of fun helping the kids develop their inner superpowers and reflecting on my own Buddha nature in order to be a good example to my fellow juniors!(我很开心帮助孩子启发内在的超能力,并返照自己的佛性,当孩子们的好榜样。)
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