法寶寺素食節以心靈環保──禪修體驗,開啟活動序曲。 |
義工菩薩為大眾導覽豐富多元的素食資訊展。 |
具東方特色的園遊攤位,深受西方人士青睞。 |
色香味俱全的國際素食展,吸引當地居民參與。 |
護法會會長╱傳尊 活動中遇到一位不會做素菜的母親,卻想為吃素的愛女烹煮素食,當日她除了觀摩烹飪示範、品嘗佳餚,也報名夏季素食烹飪班。傳尊深切體會到,法寶寺就像社會中的一方淨土,提供禪修學習與淨化心靈的各種活動,不僅義工們法喜充滿,自己勸發他人吃素,也同感快樂!
Throughout the day, the volunteers were all very busy fulfilling their assigned duties, but everyone was very glad to contribute because the greatest gift was the opportunity to help the monastery and to cultivate our merits.(活動當天,義工們都在分配的組別發心,每個人都很高興能貢獻己力,因為在禪寺出坡、修福報就是最大的收穫!)
司儀組╱Yoder, Chris
How better to suggest that all sentient beings are ultimately just like us than by presenting animals as having the same silly hopes, dreams and behaviors as we humans. After all, if animals can be like us, maybe they also yearn for happiness just like us. And maybe we should think carefully before we decide whether to kill them.(沒有比透過扮演憨傻動物,更能適切表達一切含靈和人類一樣,擁有相似的天真行為和夢想。如果動物真的像我們一樣,牠們也同樣渴望快樂。因此,在決定殺生之前,我們應仔細思量。)
I really felt like many of the attendees were very engaged and interested in vegetarianism. The Veggie Festival is not only an excellent way to promote vegetarianism, but also to raise the visibility of Buddhism and DJM in the Atlanta community.(我發覺許多居士非常投入,並對素食感到興趣。舉辦素食節不僅是推廣素食的絕佳方式,也提高佛教與法寶寺在亞特蘭大的曝光度。)
英文初級禪修班學員╱Owen Cantrell
I am a vegetarian myself for health reasons, but now I better understand the ethical value of vegetarianism. It was also great fun to work alongside other volunteers to show attendees how great vegetarianism can be for them and our planet. I appreciate the opportunity to attend Veggie Festival and I am already looking forward to next year.(我原本為了健康而吃素,現在更了解吃素背後的道德價值。同時也很歡喜能和其他義工一起介紹素食對大眾、對地球的好處。感恩有機會參與素食節,更期待明年素食節的到來。)
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