中 台 山 月 刊 212 期 |
文/澳洲宝林禅寺英文高级禅修班学员 Bee Goh 新时代先进的科技发明看似提供更好的生活,然而人们面对的问题却日益增加,如精神疾病、不和谐的人际关系、毒品泛滥等,究竟我们该如何面对?身为佛弟子,我的方式是以自身修炼和反省检讨为基础,时时拂拭蒙尘的心镜,内观本具的智慧心。 在这个物质社会,成功的定义是拥有令人称羡的职业、名车豪宅等。这些不切实际的欲望,让我几乎付出了自己的快乐和健康作为代价。自认所做的一切都是为了家庭,但面对家人,我却总是愤懑不堪,毫无耐心。贪瞋痴等烦恼让我总觉得不如别人,始终无法满足。 情况的转折点是在二○一四年,我去马来西亚照顾病重的父亲。在短时间内,父亲皈依佛教,并向当地法师学习佛法;他修习戒律、布施及数息观。最终放下癌症带来的病痛,安详离世,过世八小时后,身体依然柔软。 开始上禅修课后,我学习看清苦和愚痴的本质,明白必须为自己的行为负责,我和母亲的关系也就此改善。如果现在要为富裕和快乐的家庭打分数,我可以轻松地说:欢声笑语──满分,知足感恩──满分,平和清净的心──满分。同时,我仍拥有自己的事业、收入、同参道友以及最重要的师父。 佛陀是天下最好的医生,他的教法让我在生理和心理上帮助我的病人。当我以一颗平等、无分别的心去对待不同性别、经济背景的病人,工作起来更加得心应手。 有一位年轻的病人患了严重的焦虑和抑郁,我曾向他推荐过心理医生,几个月后他要我推荐另外一位心理医生,我尝试向他解释焦虑苦恼的缘由。我们谈到了诸行无常,包括他的愿望也不断地改变。如果能朝正见、正思惟、正业去努力,他其实可以欢喜接受现实,迎接未来的种种可能,痛苦也不会生起。 听闻住持法师讲解佛法,让我领悟到快乐其实是非常简单,无须向外寻,智慧存内心。若想心外寻找快乐,不外乎缘木求鱼;时时观照内心,活在当下,快乐即现。 (In this modern era, with more advanced scientific inventions, it appears that we have a better lifestyle. Unfortunately, we are faced with an increase in mental disorders, relationship disharmony, illicit drug users and so on. What do we do? As a Buddhist, my approach is always based on self cultivation and self reflection. It is as simple as polishing a foggy mirror and looking into the inner wisdom that we all have. We live in a material world where success and happiness are judged by high-ranking jobs, big mansions or luxurious cars. My unrealistic desire to achieve what I thought was good for my family nearly cost my health and my happiness. I was always angry and had no patience with my family. My unwholesome behaviour of greed, anger and delusion made me feel even more inferior, to the point where I was never content. The turning point occurred in 2014. I looked after my terminally ill father in Malaysia. My father had accepted to become a Buddhist and received the teaching from the local kind monks. He learned to practise the Sila, Dana and Breath counting meditation within a very short period. He could let go of his cancer pain and he passed away peacefully. His body was amazingly soft without signs of rigor mortis even after eight hours. After I started listening to Dharma teaching, I began to have an insight to the root of my suffering and ignorance. I have learnt to accept that I am the owner of my karma. I have enjoyed my relationship with my mother ever since. If I have to review how rich and happy is my family, then I can easily score five out of five for laughter, five out of five for contentment and appreciation and five out of five for peaceful minds. Best still, I still have my career, my income, extended Dharma sisters and brothers, and the foremost Dharma teachers. Lord Buddha is the greatest healer in this universe. His teaching has helped me in my career to help my patients, both physically and mentally. I feel at ease when dealing with any kind of patients, irrespective of their social economic status, gender or background. I am mindful of a non- judgemental approach. I once knew a young man who suffered from severe anxiety and depression. He was referred for counselling by a psychologist for many months. After that he came back asking for another referral to continue seeing the psychologist. I explained the source of his suffering with him. We talked about the impermanent nature of all phenomenons including his wishes. With the right view, right thought and right action, he could have happily accepted the fact and the prospect of new possibilities. His suffering did not have to arise at all. Happiness is as simple as one, two, three as in the Dharma Talk by the Abbess. There is no need to look anywhere else as wisdom exists within oneself. Paying attention to our mind in the present moment is the way to happiness rather than always looking at others.)