


文/美国佛心寺英文研经班学员 传功(David Macias)







  (Buddhism has showed me that everything that I do or say starts from a thought from within me. According to this teaching I have developed the habit of self-reflection. If my mind is in selfish thought then everything I say or do will only be for the benefit of me. This is a destructive existence that only leads to the self suffering of never being satisfied and the suffering of other people; selfishness blinds the eyes to the feelings of the people around you. By practicing awareness I have experienced a peaceful state of mind by being able to recognize my ego and learning how to practice not feeding my ego.

  Compassion Contemplation has also helped me improve myself through the practice of being more tolerant with people who may be in deep suffering. In the past I would become quickly offended if another person was to treat me rudely or insult me for no reason, but now I am able to consider if this person’s behavior is motivated by a troubled mind, this consideration has allowed me to be more forgiving towards people who may not be able to control their negative impulses.

  Compassion has also showed me that there is poison that leads to killing an insect. I used to see insects as a nuisance and not an equal creation to myself. One day I saw a spider in my mother’s house and I experienced a quick impulsive thought to kill this insect, at that moment I was able to recognize that this impulsive thought was extremely negative in nature and if I gave into this negative impulsive emotion it would desensitize my mind to the act of killing another being.

  Since beginning my practice of meditation and the study of Compassion Contemplation, over time I have been able to mentally step back within myself and see the negative habits I have developed since childhood. I have realized that my erroneous habits and selfishness were related to the environment I grew up in, which lacked discipline and structure. With a compassionate mindset I have been able to learn how to be more forgiving with myself which has liberated me from years of self abuse.

  I realize I still have a lifetime of lessons to endure, but now that my mind has been liberated from depression and anxiety simply by showing me that all that suffering was from my own undisciplined thoughts, I am willing to continue my practice and help others along the way.)
