
住持法師帶領大眾禮懺用功。 |
護法善信於梁皇寶懺暨新春祈福法會虔誠獻供。 |
大眾專注聆聽住持法師的慈悲開示。 |
護法幹部不分你我,同心協力圓滿法會。 |
護法會總監╱傳遠 此次法會自我要求:一、全程參與展現拜懺的真誠心,非萬不得已,絕不缺席。二、克服拜懺的痠痛,安住當下,真誠懺悔。深深感恩老和尚設立佛門寺,引導我們入佛門聽聞正法。參與佛門寺的各種活動,落實修行,就是真正報恩。
副會長╱傳領 There was excitement “in the air” and much Chan joy. The assembly wanted to be there and participated sincerely. The monastic and lay disciples, who served to make this event happen, had different areas of expertise yet all elements came together harmoniously. Our practice was deepened as we became aware of and adapted to changing conditions. (法會的氛圍啟迪人心又充滿法喜,大眾無不虔誠發心參與。出家師父與在家居士們共同分工合作圓滿法會。當我們警覺並隨順因緣無常之時,修行也得以深化。)
副會長╱傳倫 To realize what is happening to me good or bad, easy or difficult, I have to embrace it and keep practicing the Bodhisattva path. To cherish this time to review myself from this past year, to recall situations I wish I could have done differently and make amends. To let go of burdens of regret and focus on setting a good cause.(我體悟到一切發生在自己身上的事,不管好壞、不論難易,我都必須接受它,並持續修行菩薩道。珍惜這個機會反省過往,回憶種種應該用不同方式面對的境界,並且悔改。放下懊悔的重擔,專注於創造新的善因。)
照客組長╱傳皓 I was very moved when the abbess explained the sound of the striking bell increases the awareness for sentient beings in all of the realms. It has been deeply moving and inspiring to have been able to participate in such worthy Dharma events. I am truly grateful to be a part of the Chung Tai World and Buddha Gate Monastery.(住持法師開示時,提到鐘聲是為了警醒十方法界眾生時,我十分感動,能夠參加如此莊嚴的法會,讓我深獲感動與啟發。很慶幸自己是中台世界和佛門寺的一份子。)
中文高級禪修班╱法順 來到佛門寺半年多,覺得這兒才是家。這八天,慈悲喜捨的願力及不思議功德在道場普遍示現,心中的慚愧和感恩與日俱增。弟子謹遵師囑,要守護道場、深化修行、落實弘法,不負三寶慈光加被之恩。
中級禪修班╱法筵 Even on top of my senior year workload and college applications, the last thing I needed was more stress. But I still signed up to help out for this ceremony as an acolyte and emcee. However, I cannot feel more blessed to have the opportunity to work with other acolytes, all of whom were so willing to teach and guide me. I learned the power of dedication; I also learned my capacity─and how far beyond it I can go─to devote myself to something so rare, magnificent, and wholesome. My time spent learning and working here seems all the more valuable. From this experience, I am inspired by everyone’s effort and will continue to support the monastery in any way I can.(雖然作業和申請大學的壓力已快破表,我仍每天擔任法會的心燈或司儀。但很幸運地,能跟樂於引導我的心燈們合作。我感受到了奉獻的力量,也發現自己可以為了殊勝、莊嚴的善法發揮潛能。花時間在道場學習和出坡最為值得。大眾的投入激勵了我,我將繼續盡己所能護持道場。)
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