精美的素食展示,带来愉悦的视觉体验。 |
二十国以上的特色餐点,带大众畅游丰富多变的素食国度。 |
欢喜发愿“素素看”,爱护动物和地球! |
机动组组长╱士勇 This all could not have been accomplished without the guidance of Shifus as well as the diligent and tireless hard work of all volunteers. We were able to learn and grow in our Bodhisattva’s practice while accomplishing our mission to provide a joyful time for all participants.(如果没有法师们的带领和所有义工持续不懈地精进努力,无法达到这样的成果;而我们也全力付出,在使人人尽兴而归的菩萨任务中学习与成长。)
照客组组长╱哈女 在素食节中,我必须招呼每一位访客,不论认识与否,都要主动上前带领。原本以为自己会不好意思面对陌生人,但是当人潮一波波涌入时,忽然觉得自己正处于重要的位置,扮演着布施善意的角色,因而生起勇气和愿心来服务大众。感谢法师们交付的任务,让我在护持他人的同时,也成就了个人的修行。
学员╱Sandy When I realized how horrific the animals were treated in food industry, I became a pure vegan. My journey took a lot of transitioning, but it was very doable once I got the hang of it. Some people see my diet as being deprived. They think I have incredible will power to resist eating meat that they enjoy. But I don’t miss that food because it is not “food” to me. It is a living, breathing, beautiful, loving animal. I don’t feel deprived at all. I hope that my journey could have started earlier in my life.(当我体认到动物在食品工业中所受到的种种可怕待遇时,就决定成为一名全素者。我的茹素经历包含许多调适的过程,然而一旦掌握诀窍,则全素饮食是完全可行的。有些人认为我被“剥夺”了部分饮食,有很强的意志力来抗拒肉类的食物。可是我不认为自己被剥夺或者错过了任何食物,因为动物是美好和亲爱的朋友、会呼吸的生命,不是食物。我但愿自己能更早开始吃素。)
行堂组╱传贤 This event gets better each year as it expands to reach and benefit more people. Preparing dishes before the event helps me to stay mindful and working at the event lets me see how wonderfully it is all received by new people. It is always a joy to volunteer and share time with Shifus and other practitioners lightens our spirit and energizes us.(素食节活动今年更加盛大、成功,利益了更多人。我在用斋前协助配膳和供斋事宜,这项坡务令我提起觉性、保持专注,我也在各处看到来宾欢喜地领受种种服务。在精舍和法师及其他修行人一同出坡,总是让我得到精神上的鼓舞,充满愉悦和活力。)

学员╱传得 My mother’s family raised cattle, hogs, sheep, and chickens. My favorite thing was taking care of the animals. I didn’t understand how you could love those creatures, nurture them and then destroy them. Sixteen years ago I met a vegetarian and this was a life changing experience. I stopped eating meat and felt liberated from those buried thoughts of the dreaded harvest days on the farm. I suggested our guests that they should think about their eating habits and what has shaped them. Then be mindful about what they put in their mouth. A vegetarian diet is full of nutritious and delicious foods, like we were sharing at the Festival.(母亲家里饲养了牛、猪、羊和鸡,小时候我最喜欢在牧场上照顾动物,可是我始终不明白为什么有人能够饲养、关心动物,最后却将它们的生命毁灭。十六年前一位素食者改变了我的人生。我停止吃肉,并且感到自己终于从过去牧场收获季节的可怕记忆中解脱。我建议来宾们省思自己的饮食习惯和养成原因,然后对入口的食物审慎选择。如同他们在素食节中所品尝到的食物一样,素食其实是富含营养和美味的。)
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