七十多位小學員和義工等參與這次營隊。 |
靜下心來,體會清淨的禪心世界。 |
隊輔熱忱地帶領小隊時間。 |
點心DIY讓學員們發揮創意,學習分享。 |
武術課程體會武禪一如的精神。 |
學童╱Ada I think the camp was excellent, it was really fun and I learnt a lot from this CAMP. I like the story of “ the Wild Geese King” told by the Abbess. I learned that I will do things not only good to myself but also others.(我覺得禪修營辦得非常好,真的很好玩,我從這個營隊中學到很多。我喜歡住持法師講的「知恩報恩的雁王」故事。這讓我學到做事情不僅要對自己好,還要對別人好。)
學童╱Ashnila I liked the food, it was cooked so perfect. I also liked the story of “The Ugly Princess” because she repented what she had done wrong in her past life. And I think the gratitude pumpkin lantern is creative. I appreciate everyone’s effort.(我喜歡這裡的食物,它料理得太完美了。我還喜歡「賴提公主」的故事,因為她為過去生做錯的事情懺悔。還有,我覺得感恩南瓜燈很有創意。感謝每個人的付出。)
學童╱Grace I like the story about meditation “The Monk Rescued His Mother by Meditation”. I learned to be kind and filial from this story.(我喜歡「比丘坐禪救母」這個有關禪修的故事,從故事中我學到慈悲和孝順。)
學童╱Masato It was interesting today and I learned a lot. I love the food! You guys are the best chefs! I liked the team time and performing the act. I liked the Bao Lin tour and the best part was “Bao Lin Treasure Hunt.” The story telling was nice, I learned a lot and made a lot of new friends.(今天很有趣,我學到很多。我愛這裡的食物,你們是最好的廚師!我喜歡團體活動和表演。我喜歡「寶林巡禮」,特別是「寶林尋寶」。說故事活動很棒,我學到很多而且交了好多新朋友。)
隊輔╱Shalline This camp amazed me at how everybody offered their time and effort, how compass-ionate, hard working! From here, we see it is important to set a right state of mind for the young while they are pure, innocent and ready to excel in life.(營隊中每個人如此慈悲、辛勤地奉獻自己的時間和精力,讓我驚訝!從此可見,在孩子們純潔、天真時為他們樹立一個正確的心態是很重要的,有助於他們在人生中出類拔萃。)
家長╱李領 Daniel第一天回家時,很開心地告訴我:他學會了做cupcakes。很美味,也很好看,決定和妹妹一起分享。我很開心,他比平時大方很多喔!以前他會把好吃的藏起來,看來這次學到些什麼了。
課程組╱Tina From translating materials for activities to song recording, which I previously thought would be dull administrative duties but unexpectedly I had so much fun and learnt many things about practising Chan in daily life.(從為活動翻譯教材到唱歌錄音,原以為是很無趣的行政職務,沒想到卻做得很開心,還從中學到了如何在日常生活中禪修。)
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