欣逢佛誕,美國舊金山分院佛門寺為緬懷佛恩,報佛恩德,特於五月二十四日舉行浴佛法會。又為感念導師 上惟下覺大和尚慧命再造之恩,中台禪寺四眾弟子聯合啟建「夏安居報恩藥師法會」,佛門寺亦於當天開始,每日共修《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》。
兩百多位信眾雲集壇場,至誠於佛前獻供。 |
浴佛亭一連設置三天,使更多民眾有機會了解浴佛的意義。 |
護法會會長 傳洵╱每當誦著藥師如來的十二大願,特別感念諸佛菩薩之無限慈心悲願。心想:是否我也能張開雙手,隨時給身旁的人任何小小的助力,學習真正做個菩薩?施比受一定更有福!
總監 傳遠╱每年住持法師開示都會提到,浴佛是浴自性佛,洗除心中的塵垢,顯出本具的佛性。此次深刻體會到,浴佛是要每天「浴」,每天都要淨化自己的身口意,不是每年四月初八佛誕才來求佛加被。
副會長 Tony Khoury(傳藏)╱There were no cakes or candles to be seen but a sense of gratitude directed towards the Tathagta for giving humanity a sense of hope and the way to liberation. Without the teachings of the Buddha, it would indeed be a world void of peace and true happiness. It would be a world where desire, greed, hate, jealousy, and foolishness are the order of the day. Fortunately, the Buddha was here, for He found the eternal truth that can release humans from anguish.(沒有素糕或蠟燭,對佛陀的感恩之心卻油然而生,因為他給予人們希望,並指引出真正解脫之道。如果沒有佛法,一定是個沒有和平和真正快樂的世界,是個欲望、貪婪、瞋恚、嫉妒、愚癡主宰的世界。所幸佛陀在這個世界降生,他找到了離苦得樂的真實道理。)
副會長 Darlene Cioffi-Pangilla(傳領)╱I, we, need only to hear, even briefly, with a sincere heart, the name of the Medicine Buddha and receive all that is needed to enjoy life. The birth of the baby Buddha was, is, our birth too. Through his teaching, we come to understand that we, too, are “inherently complete and perfect”. May I be guided on the right path through daily practice by hearing the name of Medicine Buddha. May I recall the image of the baby Buddha and KNOW and NEVER FORGET that EVERYONE has the same True Nature.(只要虔心聽聞一聲藥師佛號,一少時頃,所求皆遂。佛陀的降生,也是我們的新生。透過佛法,我們也可以契悟圓滿自性。願自己藉由每天稱念藥師佛號加行用功,恆在正道。願自己常憶念太子佛像,而知眾生本具同一真性,永不忘失。)
副會長 Anne Khoury(傳安)╱In bathing the Buddha I was reminded that all suffering is illusive and that in cleansing of our vexations, defilements and deluded minds one can find our pure nature. I was given hope that suffering in the world can be reversed - there is a path to awakening and joy and peace. Indeed it is the compassion of the Bodhisattva way that will liberate humanity and return us to the pure mind.(浴佛時,我想起所有的痛苦是虛妄不實的,只要洗滌我們內心的煩惱塵垢,便能恢復清淨自性。我心中充滿希望,世間的苦難可以被扭轉──這裡有一條通往覺悟、平安、法喜之道。確實,它就是令人們解脫自在、回歸清淨自性的慈悲菩薩行。)
照客組組長 Cynthia Hudson(傳惇)╱As I write this reflection about the Medicine Buddha Ceremony and Buddha’s Birthday I realize it is the practice that helped bring me back to a calm and focused mind and it is the practice that I am grateful for every day. Without this practice I would not have known that my mind was not focused. Two days after the ceremony there was still an opportunity to bath the Buddha and this time most importantly my mind was there. I was able to realize my own ignorance. It was an opportunity to refocus on compassion, diligence and harmony and of being present at all times.(寫這份心得時,才了解到佛誕及藥師法會,是幫助自己定心、專心的法門,是讓自己感恩每一天的法門。不經一番練習,是不會了解到自己這麼不專心。法會後,仍有機會浴佛,重要的是,這次心安定下來了,能夠看到自己的無明,有機會回歸慈悲、精進、和合且安住當下。)