近三百位信众参与“十福临门闯心关──寻找自性宝珠”新春活动。 |
中华民国驻菲律宾代表处张公使及菲律宾缉毒署署长卡达克(General Arturo G. Cacdac Jr.)皆莅临此次法会。张公使在致辞中,感谢海天禅寺举办此次新春祈福法会,安定社会人心,并弘扬中华文化。
午斋后,展开连续四天的“十福临门闯心关──寻找自性宝珠”新春活动,由禅修班学员担任关主,带领大众参与忏悔、发愿、叩钟、供花、供香、供灯等十关,从中体验安详自在之禅风。近三百位信众共襄盛会,修善回向,祈愿秉持 导师的慈悲教诲,令禅宗心法得以流传于菲国,一切有情皆能蒙受佛法的真实利益,发菩提心永不退转!
关主 Pearl Ancheta╱ Donating whatever amount was a simple way to practice detachment. The wishing pool where participants made their wishes was a good way to generate good thoughts. Striking the bell was an act of prayer. As a volunteer, I forgot about myself for a moment while serving others and became a silent well-wisher to everyone. I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity to put into practice what I have learned from attending the meditation classes and be of help to others. Truly, any little thing counts because it is the intention that makes them big and valuable.(布施能去除我执。大家在许愿池畔发起善念,为众生祈福叩钟,而我在为大众发心中,暂时忘却自我,全心全意地为众生祈祷。感恩有发心的因缘,让我能实践禅修班所学,并对他人有所帮助。的确,因为我们的发心,一件小事也能有非凡的价值。)
心灯暨关主 Caren Santos╱ Being an active member of Ocean Sky Chan Monastery, I made a lot of realizations of the valuable things I am missing out in my life, that is, the understanding of my true nature. Celebrating Chinese New Year in Ocean Sky made me realize that it marks the start to be fully aware of one's self. You can attain all your aspirations and good fortune by transforming your thoughts and realizing karma. Those are the keys to a happy and contented life.(踏入海天之后,我才了解过去错失了生命中最宝贵的东西,那就是──体悟自性。在海天欢庆新年,也意谓着自我觉醒的开始,经由转化念头和了解因果业力,去实现理想,才是通往如意快乐之钥。)
行堂组长 Raceli Tinga Domingo(传闻)╱ All external factors have no influence on us, if we choose to purify our minds. The more I study Buddhism through the guidance of our Masters, the more wisdom I gain and my uncertainty about life diminished. I truly believe that if we hold onto, diligently study, have strong faith and live the Dharma, everything will fall into its proper place.(一旦我们决定净化自己的心灵,外在的任何事物都不能影响我们。在师父的指导下,佛法学得愈多就愈有智慧,对生命的疑惑也减少了。我坚信,只要能持续精进,对佛法有坚固的信心,在生活中实践佛法,每件事自然有最好的结果。)
中文研经班学员 传懿╱ 法师击鼓时,我的心深受震撼,泪水不由自主地盈满眼眶,这个鼓声太微妙了,声声敲在愚执的心灵,让我有所醒悟。叩钟偈亦如启蒙心灵的良药,每听一偈,心里就敞亮一度,敲完大钟,顿感世界有了崭新的开始!
照客组 Beatriz Monteza(传梦)╱ What hit me was the striking of the Dharma Bell. “Let all arms struggle forever rest, let all armaments stop serving in battle, let all war casualties get reborn in Pure Land.” Indeed, this was a reality in the south region of my country a month ago. I'm so grateful for this prayer was very timely. I would want to conclude this reflection with this prayer: “All over the land, may all the people enjoy days of prosperity and tranquility.”(法会中最感动的是叩钟,“干戈永息,甲马休征,阵败伤亡,俱登彼岸”,这正是一个月前菲国南部的写照,感恩这个发愿文来得正是时候,我也真诚地祈愿:菲国所有众生都能共享繁荣安定。)