美国旧金山佛门寺秉持佛法慈悲的精神,以及导师 上惟下觉大和尚的谆谆教诲,自二○○九年起,举办“菩提子夏日学园”,以“中台四箴行”为营训,将“敬、慈、和、真”融合于各式课程活动中,启发大众的菩提心。
营队以《弟子规》为教材,鼓励孩童背诵、薰修。 |
分组表演练习时,每一位小菩提子皆专注而投入。 |
小菩提子上台和合演出“中台四箴行”。 |
藉由感恩献花活动,长养恭敬心。 |
学童 Erin Koziel╱ I learned about dharma and Buddhism from summer school, and I also learned how to be mindful when I practice meditation. I felt peaceful when I offered a candle to the Buddha. “Truthfulness” is the group I belonged to at that time. I’d like to practice “Truthfulness” by being honest to people and to myself.(我不仅上到关于佛学的课程,也学到如何在静坐时练习专注。佛前供灯时,我的内心是平静的。我是此次夏日学园真诚队的一员,不论是对别人或自己,都要坦诚以对,这也是我要落实的目标。)
学童 Sophia Teicher╱I learned how to practice giving by being generous to others and not expecting anything in return. I also learned how to create a harmonious environment by being kind and respectful to everyone.(我学习到布施是无所求的奉献,而非有所求的给予。同时也学到,心存仁慈及恭敬,是造就和谐环境的基石。)
队辅师 Robert Raffel╱ The Bodhiseed summer school provided that opportunity by providing a unique and important foundation that points the Bodhiseeds in the right direction so they can live happy lives and make the world a better place.(菩提子夏日学园为学子奠定了独特及重要的学习基础,也为学子提供正确的方向,使他们的未来能够拥有更好的生活及整体环境的改善。)
义工 Cynthia Hudson╱This past week helped me begin to understand the meaning of harmony. The environment at Buddha Gate enabled me to be harmonious in my thoughts – staying calm and flexible about each task that was assigned. With a calm mind it was a positive experience to be conscious of my speech and be mindful of how it impacted others. This in turn allowed me to be mindful of all my actions when doing a task or even more important, offering guidance to support others accomplishments aiding their contribution rather than rushing to complete the task myself.(过去这一个礼拜的活动帮助我开始了解“和合”的意义。佛门寺的环境能让我调和自己的想法──对于被安排的坡务,都能保持平静、灵活以对。以平静的心,正面地觉察自己所说的话如何影响他人。这也让我在做一件事情时,觉察自己的行为,更重要的是,提供协助、帮助别人完成他们的发心,而不只是赶快做完自己的部分。)
义工 Jenny Blackman╱真心希望孩子能记得在夏日学园中所学到的一切──特别是道德。佛门寺对我来说是神圣的地方,在马不停蹄、充满压力的生活中,一处喘息、平静的处所。仅是坐在观音像前,就能感受到宁静,让我回到当下,这是忙碌生活中经常忽略的。现今的教育不再强调道德观念,感谢佛门寺让孩子学习他们最缺乏的教育。