
梵呗课时,认真地执持法器,唱诵佛号。 |
小菩提星在静坐与诵经中学习专注,沉淀自心。 |
感恩法会中,小菩提星长跪表达对父母的感恩。 |
小菩提星╱Tristen R. Turla What was most special is Beadworks. We made such beautiful bracelets to give to our parents to show our thankfulness for everything they did for us.(活动最特别的是,我在穿珠课中,串了很漂亮的手镯送给我们的父母亲,感恩他们为我们做的每一件事情。)
家长╱传贵 I let all my grandchildren joined the summer camp. I wanted them to learn to follow rules and regulations and to develop good habits. Although it was just a short 5 days, all the lessons imparted in the camp can surely help in their school work!(我让我的孙子都来参加,培养他们守秩序、守规矩、养成好习惯。虽然只有短暂的五天,但对他们在学校求学很有帮助。)
总队辅╱Raceli Domingo(传闻) When I accepted the task to be the AT Coodinator for the summer camp, I prayed very hard and exerted all efforts in the course of the camp. My heart was overflowing with joy, compassion and wisdom. Everyday, I also remembered to bring with me a big sack filled with patience, understanding and tolerance, to help me in dealing with all the challenges and irritants that come with the task.(这次全力以赴投入执事,心中盈溢着法喜、慈悲与智慧。每天不断地提醒自己,必须时时以体谅、宽容和耐心来面对各项挑战及烦恼。)
队辅组长╱Raphael Domingo(传思) At the end of the summer camp, the kids of my team came to me and told me they would miss me and wanted me to be their teacher again. I realized that even if you felt that what you did was nothing special; for the children, it was life changing.(营队结束时,小朋友说他们会想念我,希望我能继续当他们的队辅师,这时我才了解到,虽然觉得自己所做的是很平凡的事,却能改变小朋友的一生。)
机动组组长╱Randy Villanueva(传飞) By molding the characters of our children towards respect, compassion, harmony, sincerity, and thankfulness, we parents are creating a more peaceful society and world for them to live in.(为人父母者,若能引导孩子朝向敬、慈、和、真、感恩来发展品格,就是在为孩子创造一个更平和的社会及世界。)
照客组╱Beatriz P. Monteza(传梦) This year has taught me to give freely and generously whatever is asked of me without any rancor. I was also able to practice listening to my true mind in the midst of activities during the day.(今年我学会了要尽情慷慨地布施,以及在每个活动中练习聆听自己的真心。)