美国普德精舍禅修班学员/Tameka S. Jones My practice plan for 2013, is to more consistently implement the Zen Buddhist teachings in my daily life. In particular, I will use the principles of Zen to help me eradicate anger, greed and ignorance. I also plan to devote more time and energy to Zen study and meditation in order to deepen my overall understanding and practice.(我的二○一三年修行计划,是在日常生活中更持续地实践禅法。尤其是运用禅法去除贪瞋痴。我也计划花更多的时间与精神学禅及打坐,深化学习与修行。)
美国普德精舍禅修班学员/Gladys Wesley-Kennedy As a long-term American Zen practitioner, I have realized that it is extremely rare─if not impossible─for most Americans to learn true Buddha Dharma. Consequently, I feel tremendously blessed to be able to learn authentic Zen Buddhism at Chung Tai Zen Center of Houston. To take advantage of this precious opportunity, my 2013 resolution is to do whatever I can to support the mission of Chung Tai Zen Center of Houston, and to apply more diligently the learned principles and practices in my daily life.(身为一个长期学禅的美国人,我认识到,对大多数美国人而言,想要学习真正的佛法,如果不是没有机会,就是非常稀有难得。因此,个人深感自己真是有极大的福报,可以在普德精舍学习到正统的禅法。为了充分利用这个珍贵的机会,我的二○一三年新愿望是,尽我所能协助普德精舍的任何事情,同时,要更精进地将所学的教理观行落实于日常生活中。)