中 台 山 月 刊 156 期 |
紅塵清泉 |
文/海天禪寺提供 因導師 上惟下覺大和尚的慈心願力及精舍法師的帶領,菲律賓馬尼拉分院海天禪寺走過十年歲月,特舉辦十週年慶感恩法會, 導師亦特別為十週年慶親題「海闊藏珍寶,天空載日月」法語。
法會圓滿日上午九時,舞龍舞獅及武術等表演活動帶動熱烈氣氛。當日近四百人共赴法筵,中華民國駐菲律賓代表處大使王樂生、前菲律賓副總統Teofisto Guingona III和菲律賓緝毒署署長Arturo G. Cacdac Jr.將軍前來表達祝賀之意。 下午二時三十分,主法法師代 導師傳授三皈五戒,計有一百三十餘位信眾發心受持三皈,五十九位學員受持五戒。十週年慶法會至此圓滿落幕。 法會心得 護法會會長╱傳偉 精舍法師與護法義工眾志成城、眾緣和合,成就了此次圓滿的法會。感恩 導師慈悲設立精舍,讓我們在茫茫大海中找到依靠,即使身於異邦菲國,也能聽聞正法,願盡未來際發心護持,永不退轉。 副會長╱傳行 十年來,從禪修與法會執事中不斷地學習、磨鍊,讓我改變許多想法和態度;尤其是在不如意時,能反觀自照,不怨天尤人。非常感恩法師們的諄諄教誨及耐心的引導,讓自己不斷地成長! 執行秘書╱傳醒 感恩這十年來所有曾至精舍帶領我們的法師,由於他們無私的奉獻,在所有學員的心中種下了菩提種子;更感恩 導師在此設立精舍,讓我們有機會聽聞佛法、學習佛法,改變自己的生命。 環保組組長╱傳微 With the physical condition I was going through and the big event, I told myself: “You can do this, Consuelo and you are very good at it." And it did. Of course this will not be possible without the help of my Dharma Brothers who are always there to lend a helping hand.(雖有病痛纏身,但領了法會執事,就告訴自己:「你絕對可以,所有的事情都是你最拿手的。」感恩組員的合力協助,順利完成任務。) 禪修班學員╱傳純 Taking refuge offers us a meaning and purpose of life. I learn and practice to direct myself to awakening and keeping a mindful attitude. Through the observance of the Five Precepts I learn to be humble and patient, I learn to accept and let go.(受持三皈依,讓我學習要常保覺性與專注,使人生更有意義。持守五戒讓我學會謙虛與忍讓,學會接受與放下。) 禪修班學員╱傳燦 The moment this body began to wear the black & brown robes, I felt that I'm a different person - a person who is righteous & honorable. That kind of good feeling made me realized that it is the turning point of my life. I am now entering a new journey from selfishness to righteousness. During that day, it became clear to me what is really the essence of this life's existence and that is to uphold & propagate the Dharma.(受持五戒,搭上縵衣的那一剎那,感覺自己蛻變為正直且誠實的人,跳脫自私,邁入人生新旅程,也感覺自己的心因佛法的洗滌而清淨。我了解到生命的真義就是要實踐佛法、弘揚佛法。) |