文/菲律宾海天禅寺英文禅修班学员 法正








  ”Always look out for Number One” and “Take care of you first,” are all expressions of the predominant way of thinking in many families, workplaces and the world we live in. No wonder we experience so much suffering, with many of us always taking care of our own needs or self (ego) first!

  In my case, living by ego had become such a deep-seated habit that I kept having misunderstandings and getting into arguments with the people I lived and interacted with on a daily basis, specifically my Ma, Dad and younger sister (e.g. they would get angry with me for not washing the plates and utensils I used right after cooking or eating and I would resent my mother and father for seemingly favoring my younger sister over me). So I moved out of the family home to live and work far away from them. This selfish move was heaven for the first few months before it became hell. My living space was almost always a mess. I missed my family a lot. I also felt a lack of a sense of purpose since the job I took on as an excuse to live apart from them was making me unhappy.

  This was the time I started attending Beginner's Meditation Class at Ocean Sky Chan Monastery after a friend’s invitation. Meditating and reflecting on Abbess' Dharma talks helped me keep a positive attitude towards my co-workers and clients. But after a few months, I moved back in with my family and all the same arguments and misunderstandings we had before I moved away reappeared! I continued meditating and reflecting on Shifu’s Dharma talks though, thinking I must be doing something wrong if I was still experiencing the same old suffering I always had with my family.

  True enough, meditating every day and being mindful of all my actions helped calm me and made me more aware of my thoughts and feelings, so that I’d stopped responding negatively to my family out of habit. Now, to my surprise, my family almost always does the same!

  Then in Advanced Meditation Class, Abbess spent a lot of time teaching the Bodhisattva Way (“To benefit others is to benefit oneself”) with insightful stories and practical reminders that encouraged us to love and give priority to our elders and other people. A light in my mind turned on, and I knew in my heart it was the answer I was looking for.

  Instead of putting my own needs and comfort first before those of my family and other people, I am putting their needs ahead of mine as often as I can. Now, I am finding that living moment by moment with the intention of benefiting others first isn’t always easy, but it is the only way that everyone can experience peace, joy, wisdom, loving-kindness plus good intentions and deeds like all of us are Number One, first priority and winners.

