文╱美国佛心寺英文研经班学员 传幸






(Everybody Has Buddha Nature

  Buddhism, it is so simple, yet so profound. It has taught me a great many things to contemplate on, but the one that has changed my immediate state of life the most in the past few years is, “everybody has Buddha Nature.” Just like me, my daughter, my husband, my mother and father, and my dog. We possess the same essence as the Buddha himself. We are all the same deep inside. We all have the same potential and the same destination...Buddhahood.

  As most of us cross paths at one point or another with other sentient beings we simply do not mesh well sometimes. We take it at face value that “we just don’t get along,” “I hate that person,” “that person is terrible,” and all the other labels we give those of whom we have distaste for. There was a person from my past that made my life hell for years. Many awful thoughts could be associated with this particular individual at one point in time. I had fears when I saw or thought of this person, anger when he acted out of moral character and paranoia when he came around us.

  Through the Buddha’s teachings of the outlook on life, my practice of the seven round compassion contemplation and reflecting on the fact that he too has the Buddha Nature, I have been able to see or think of him and feel empathy, dedicate merits to him in hopes that he becomes a better person and will one day find his Buddha Nature within, have more patience when he acts immorally, feel safe and stable in my mind when he comes around. He is no longer an issue in our life.

  I see life in a new light, a much clearer acceptable picture. All this time, it was me who brought distress to my own life, me who would not accept change, and me who have the potential to change my own future. Everybody has the Buddha Nature. It’s amazing to think about and when this is reflected upon, it gives all sentient beings grace to live their own life through their rights and wrongs with no judgment passed. People will continue to have his or her own burdens, but they no longer have to affect my mind. )
