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  (My practice has helped in numerous ways, and one way in which it is helping currently is with work. Recently, I applied for a job as a package handler. I took the position both because I needed the money and because I thought it would provide schedule flexibility to continue looking for work elsewhere.

  At first, the job seemed overwhelming. Not only was the work exceedingly demanding physically, but it was very stressful and even the needed training was lacking. I had to learn by doing. At times, it seemed like an impossible task. Working from midnight until the wee hours of the morning, I found myself wondering why I was there, in that cavernous space, doing that job at this point in my life.

  The main thing that helps me persevere was my practice. I began reminding myself that my karma brought me to this place, and that by diligently applying myself and reflecting on my situation, I would eventually progress through this station in life. I started looking at the job as an opportunity to grow as a person. If the job was physically taxing, I would use the exertion as an opportunity to get in better physical shape. If the job duties were onerous, I used this chance to reflect on my career, and to think about what is the most important to me in terms of work. And rather than feel resentful, I also began to be thankful that through this most physically demanding of jobs, I was able to provide for my family.

  I have been most successful when I've immersed myself only the now—by diligently attending to the demands of the moment only. The nights feel less long when I refrain from attaching to the momentary emotions which inevitably arise in such stressful work, whether the source be insensitive or uncaring co-workers, or simply the demands created by what at times feels like an avalanche or tidal wave of packages of all shapes, sizes and weights bearing down on me constantly. It is adherence to what I've learned through my practice that allows me to face each shift with the necessary resolve.

  I've come to understand that the mindset that helps me get through difficult shifts at work is the same mindset that one can apply every moment throughout their day. Meditation and sutra study has helped me develop this more immersive sense of focus and awareness.

  My practice has given me perspective on the day-to-day vicissitudes of life—both the joys and the sorrows. My practice—now five years long and counting—remains a work in progress. Like a budding flower that needs water and attention, I have to attend to it daily lest it wilt from neglect. But it is a flower well worth preserving because of the beneficial colors and fragrances it has brought back to my life. )
