文/美國佛寶寺研經班學員 法滌


  若要將中台朝聖之旅的感想濃縮成隻字片語,實在是紙短意長,因為這是一個令人謙卑又讓人震撼之行,也是一次難忘難以磨滅的經歷。 此行自第一天起就處處充滿了驚喜,感恩住持見燈大和尚在海外茶會上提及,要尊重此生及多生的父母,要深信因果,護持中台道場,並且守護自己本具的清淨心。









(Trying to encapsulate this pilgrimage is too difficult for a few words. It is so humbling and overwhelming to experience a journey like this. And it is something that no one can ever take away from us.

  This whole journey since Day One has been amazing. I appreciated when Venerable Master Jian Deng gave the Dharma and spoke of honoring our parents and the many parents of our past. And when he spoke of causality, protecting Chung Tai and our pure mind.

  So many memories made on this trip; amazing Buddhist sculptures; lush countryside with austere mountains and lofty palms; ornate Buddhist temples resting grandly surrounded by dense trees remind us that this country embraces The Way; seeing the occasional lizard or frog – all sentient beings deserving compassion; the visits we’ve made including driving up that breath-taking road to Ling Quan to learn the fascinating beginnings of the Grand Master Wei Chueh; The extraordinary educational system of Pu Tai almost made me want to be a kid again – enjoying their foreign language and music departments.

  Especially delicious lunch items… so much food! So many wonderful foods and dishes that are new to me, passion fruit, bamboo, shaved ice, foods particular to Taiwan… all the meals were such incredible blessings, especially considering all the selflessness and hard work that goes into putting them together. I won’t look at my meals again without being thankful since going into these kitchens, so much dedication.

  I will never forget the kindness and generosity that you have shown us, you serve as good examples for us all. I enjoyed the compassionate welcome of so many shifus, hearing the Dharma, chantings, and another pinnacle highlight was taking the 3 refuges and 5 precepts. It’s an honor to have a Dharma name and I really appreciate mine.

  Walking the halls through Chung Tai Chan Monastery every day was great – adoring it’s magnificence; being inside-guests during the opening of CT World Museum, it doesn’t get any cooler than that! And even small stops were fun, such as our branch in the middle of Taiwan, sweet fun! Getting to know our Dharma brothers from all over the world and creating friendships. I hope to see them again.

  We were part of something much bigger than ourselves and every day waking up was like being in a dream. Yeah, some things were not easy like such a busy schedule; hand washing my clothes, the high humidity and those small things really were lessons in humility. Also being in a country whose language I didn’t understand was a challenge and I’m looking forward to learning Mandarin now.

  I wasn’t extremely fond of drinking warm water at first but came to the realization that it’s neither a good nor bad thing, it just is and it’s a blessing to have any water at all.

  Thank you so much for your grace and kindness during this journey (examples of which there are too many to mention include taking me to the clinic and taking care of my bag when I was sweating a storm on the mountain pilgrimage and Wow! that was an awesome experience too!)

  Always answering our questions, tending to our needs and concerns. I can’t thank you enough. Sorry if I rambled too much and sorry for anything I may have left out. It will take time to realize the grandness of what this journey fully means. I hope to come back next year. This was the most memorable, meaningful trip of my life. Also what a blessing to share with all members of our BJM group.)
