美國太谷精舍護法會會長 傳等
美國太谷精舍副會長 傳嫻
This is my 11th pilgrimage trip, I am still in awe at how the Buddha-Dharma is incorporated in every detail at Chung Tai. Like the dome at the top is the Mani Pearl representing our inherent buddha nature. I watched the story of Sudhana in the newly opened Chung Tai World Museum. Sudhana took a pilgrimage in his quest for enlightenment. I embarked on 11 pilgrimage trips, have I gained any wisdom and put it into practice? I hope that I have deepened my cultivation a bit and have gotten closer to my own Mani Pearl.(這是第十一次的朝聖之旅,雖然每次都一再體會到中台建築裡每個細節都有佛法,這回心中仍生起無限的敬意。譬如見到如摩尼珠的圓頂,就像是見到眾生的佛性一般。在新開幕的中台世界博物館裡,我看著善財童子的故事,想到善財童子是為求開悟而踏上朝聖之旅;而我自己,在自己的朝聖旅途上,是否開了智慧,是否能將佛法付諸實踐?我希望能更深化修行,也更接近本具的摩尼珠。)
義大利華義寺副會長 傳敬
美國佛寶寺研經班學員 法華
I never truly understood the concept of working meditation, until I picked peas at Chung Tai. While I was picking peas I became aware of the fact that for a moment I had no thoughts. The constantly flowing thoughts that I normally have had stopped. I began to understand the concept of Samadhi and how working meditation can help you achieve that. I was taught that all things were dependent but that idea became real to me when our group helped pack lunch boxes. I saw the assembly line and the contribution of each individual which resulted in a single lunch box. I realized that nothing I had achieved in any of my lives was due solely to my own efforts but due to the kindness of others. I finally understood one aspect of the concept dependent arising. Finally I think I know why the Buddha simply held up a flower and Arhat Mahakashyapa smiled. Like my trip to Chung Tai some things can not be expressed with words, you have to simply experience it to understand.(我從未真正懂得動中修行的涵義,直到我在中台出坡時,專注於揀豆子的當下,有一刻我發現自己是無念的,原本川流不息的妄念竟然停止了。我體會到三昧的含義,原來在動中也可以幫助我們達到那種境界。我在禪修班中學過「諸法緣起」的道理,但當佛寶寺居士一起在打便當時,這個道理更真實了:當一群人站在一條菜線,由每個人付出一點,共同完成一個便當時,才了解此生我所做過的每一件事,絕非一己之力可成,而是聚合了他人的慈悲而得以成就。我終於體會到「眾緣和合」的真諦。我終於知道,為什麼當世尊拈花時,迦葉尊者會微笑了。正如同這次的中台朝聖之旅,有些事無法用言語文字來表達,唯有透過你自己的親身體驗,才得以明白。)
香港普廣精舍夜間研經班學員 傳鉉
美國普德精舍禪修班學員 傳梵
美國中洲禪寺英文高級禪修班學員 法曉
To open the pilgrimage, Shifu gave us the opportunity to write our own great vows. Pen to paper, traveling through Taiwan’s majestic mountains and breathtaking beaches, I wrote what was in my heart. To see that an expansive vision for the greater good of humanity could be achieved by such a detail oriented team and led by his great vows seemed super-human. Yet, I knew the Grand Master was made of flesh and bones, and if he could achieve his great vows, then so can I. With the help of the Buddha and Shifus, I had been able to water the bodhi seeds of my heart.(當朝聖開始,師父讓我們有機會每天寫下自己的誓願。在筆下,越過了台灣的巍峨群山、令人屏息的大海,我寫出我的心。當親眼看到為了人類最大福祉,所呈現壯闊、珍貴的一切,是老和尚的悲願帶領下,一個注重細節的團隊所達成的不可思議任務。我知道,老和尚有著和我們一樣的血肉之軀,如果老和尚可以達成他的宏願,我也可以。在諸佛菩薩和法師們的引領下,我得以澆灌心中的菩提種子。)
美國太谷精舍英文禪修班學員長 傳善
At daybreak, the morning service filled me with tranquility, harmony, and peace. During mountain pilgrimage, the sea of practitioners prostrating on the stairs are like gentle waves on a calm ocean. Our chanting is like a compassionate greeting to all beings. I felt like I was in paintings of Buddha lands during Dharma ceremonies! I’m grateful to Grand Master Wei Chueh for establishing Chung Tai and Zen centers for us to cultivate overseas. I’m grateful to Abbot Jian Deng whose inspiring Dharma talk deepened my understanding of Grand Master’s teaching. To everyone at Chung Tai, I thank you for your sincerity and your words of encouragement and compassion. I felt truly blessed by this meaningful journey with beautiful memories!(破曉時的早課,讓我充滿寧靜、詳和。朝山時,隨著階梯層層向上禮佛的學員,像是平靜海洋上溫和的波浪。我們的唱誦像是對眾生的慈悲問候。在莊嚴的法會中,好像置身於佛國淨土的圖畫裡!感恩惟覺安公老和尚建立中台和精舍,讓我們在海外也有修行的機會。感恩住持和尚的開示,受其啟發之時,也加深了我對老和尚教法的理解。感恩中台的每一分子,謝謝你們的熱忱、慈悲鼓勵的話語,讓這個有意義的旅程留下了美好的回憶!)