I am very happy to experience my 1st Chan-7 retreat in Taiwan- Chung Tai Chan Monastery. It was a great blessing to see Venerable Master Wei Chueh and Abbot Jian Deng Master. There are no words to fully express it all. One just has to experience it to really understand. I highly recommend anyone who wish to deepen his/her Dharma practice to attend the Chan-7 retreat at Chung Tai.
With Abbot Jian Tan’s encouragement, I took the golden opportunity to temporarily leave all mundane affairs and acupuncture work behind, travel across the globe to devote a week-long silent retreat. I was so ready and excited to share this journey with my mother, Upasika Wang, and with so many dharma brothers and sisters. This was a journey to remember.
There are many things to say about the retreat, I don’t know where to begin. But these are the moments to share:
At the initiation of the retreat, when 1,200 practitioners gathered together to chant the Buddha’s name “Namo Fundamental Shakyamuni Buddha” (3times) that moment my eyes suddenly welled up with tears. A feeling of deep gratitude and joy suddenly came over me. The chant was so pure and sincere that everything else -wondering thoughts, vexations- vanished. Like a lion’s roar, all the other animals in the jungle who heard it would fear its sound and surrender to it. The chant is to praise the Buddha’s great compassion. And it is to awaken the Buddha within us.
On day 1 of the retreat I still felt a bit jetlagged then as the retreat progressed I began to adjust comfortably. Every morning upon rising at 4:15am and before each sitting meditation I raised a thought of gratitude. In walking, eating, brushing teeth, I try my best to be mindful in the moment of action. When my mind did wander away, I catch it, bringing it back to the breath.
As the retreat progressed I felt more comfortable and light, my mind calmer still and I experienced a few good sessions of meditation. In one of the good session, it seemed like it went by in a flash and then the bell rang faintly. Mind was so calm that I wanted to continue sitting but I was aware of people around getting up for walking meditation. I tried moving my body, but I couldn’t feel the body and it wouldn’t move. It felt weightless, without any sensations. Slowly and gently I integrated with the body and breath, opened my eyes, moving the fingers one at a time. Gradually all the sensations returned.
Venerable Master Wei Chueh’s koan stories were lively, funny, and enlightening. Master’s mind is crystal clear. One can tell His pure awareness through his talks that’s direct to the heart. And His enlightenment to spread the Buddha’s teachings around the world is truly amazing and aspiring.
Venerable Master’s presence gives me great comfort and peace. At dinnertime- after the retreat was over- I had the opportunity to offer a portrait to Master Wei Chueh as an expression of my gratitude and utmost respect. The Master kindly accepted the painting. Of all the artworks I have done to date, I can truly say that this offering to the Master is the most meaningful.
Abbot Master Jian Deng’s dharma talks during the retreat were very practical. What resonated with me was when Master said:‘Ordinary people are habitually attached to the functions of the mind, that is why it is so difficult to stop. Now we are here in the retreat to return to the Essence of the mind. To realize the Essence of the mind, let the pure awareness manifest itself naturally and settle there. ’ How profound, and how blessed it is to hear it.
From the talks it inspires me to practice diligently and never regress.
As we were leaving, I remember standing at the gate, looking back and thinking “gosh, Chung Tai Monastery is like the grand canyon of monasteries. ” The fine architecture is one-of-a-kind in the world. It attracts people near and far to see it. Anyone who sees the majestic and elegant Buddha statues and hand-painted walls would be in awe. But what appeals me the most, more than anything is the pure teaching of the Buddha that makes the monastery. The enlightenment of Venerable Master Wei Chueh, all the Shifus, Upasakas, Upasikas, and cultivators who uphold the Dharma is what makes the monastery. It is the pure land on earth.
I’ve learned so much from this retreat and will continue to practice diligently, serve others, and use my art as a skillful means. Amituofo.
起七時,當一千兩百位學員齊聚一堂,念誦 「南無本師釋迦牟尼佛」時,就在那一刻,我的眼睛頓時湧出了淚水,感到深深的感激和喜悅。那佛號是如此的真誠,頃刻間,一切妄念和煩惱頓時消失,像獅子的吼聲,令叢林中的其他動物畏懼並臣服。念誦佛號是在讚美佛陀的大慈悲,也是在喚醒我們本具的佛性。
禪七開示時, 老和尚所開示的公案既生動有趣,並富有啟發性,一聽就知道 老和尚是從真心説法,直指人心。 老和尚將佛法弘揚到世界各地的智慧確實令人敬佩。
老和尚給了我莫大的安慰和安全感。在禪七後的晚宴中,我有機會供養一幅 老和尚的肖像以表達我對他的感恩和最崇高的敬意。在所有我所做過的藝術作品中,這幅肖像是最有意義的。
禪七中,住持見燈和尚的佛法開示非常實用。和尚說:「一般人習慣性地靠在起心動念上,因此念頭不易歇息下來。現在,禪七中就是要回到心之體,要契悟到心之體,讓清淨覺性自然的現前、安住。」 這句話的道理非常深,令我很受用,能夠聽到這樣的法很有福報。見燈和尚的開示激勵我要精進用功,永不退轉。
當我們準備離開的時候,我站在大門口,回頭看了中台主體,便起了一個念頭:「中台禪寺堪比擬寺廟中的大峽谷。」它建築的精美是世界上獨一無二的,吸引了遠近的人來參訪,任何人看到了雄偉而優雅的佛像,以及殿堂裡的手繪壁畫都會肅然起敬。不過,最吸引我的地方還是中台禪寺的佛法。 惟覺老和尚的智慧與所有秉持佛法的法師和居士是促成中台禪寺的因緣,這裡是人間淨土!
這一次禪七讓我受益良多。我會繼續精進用功,為他人服務,並用我的藝術作品作為一個方便的法門 ,利益他人。) |