体悟新生命 走上觉悟之路

文/菲律宾海天禅寺研经禅修班学员 传飞






Realize a New Life to Walk on the Path of Enlightenment

  In this era of information technology, practicing the Buddha's teachings and walking in the path of enlightenment are not easy tasks. Every day, our lives and thoughts are continuously influenced by various information which keeps our mind restless. We are compelled to mistakenly believe that success and happiness are through pursuing worldly desires such as more money, powerful position, and a lifetime of immeasurable possessions.

  I had the same belief before encountering the Buddha's teachings. My life was always in a hurry, my mind was always agitated about many things needed to gain, and I was full of frustrations and fear because I needed others' approval. Thus, my body often suffered from sickness and my whole life was in delusion. My life changed when I came to Ocean Sky. The Dharma cleared my mind from many deluded beliefs. It opened my eyes to realize the impermanence of the many things around us; it helped me to accept my present life and difficulties through causality; it also helped me remove many forms of attachments that cause us to suffer. But the most important principle is that all of us have an inherent Buddha nature.

  This life-changing realization happened because Ocean Sky offered us the spiritual guidance to seek the path of enlightenment. Practicing regular meditation and retreat, studying Dharma and Sutra, and helping out in the temple are some of the basic disciplines that I adopted in my life to regulate my restless mind. Through constant self-awareness, I see the world in a different perspective and set my life towards the path of truth and self-realization.

  I am still compelled to fulfill my social and family obligations, but the big difference now is that I'm not anxious about future and worldly successes, and with a clear mind, I approach life with full acceptance every moment. Grand Master Wei Chueh affirms that "The aim of practicing Buddhism is to free the mind from the influence of external circumstances and maintain peace and serenity within." I'm beginning to become more compassionate and forgiving when it comes to other people's faults and misbehaviors since every sentient being has an inherent Buddha nature within. And, my health has improved since my mind and body are in balance.

  Thus, the diligent practice of Dharma is the key factor in maintaining the tranquillity and peacefulness of our mind. It is a process to purify our deluded mind from erroneous behaviors that cause our suffering—greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and doubt, and to not be affected by outside conditions. Just the same, the diligence of practicing the Dharma serves as our spiritual nourishment while walking on the path of enlightenment and self-realization.


地址:716 Jose Abad Santos St., Little Baguio, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines
