五月四日上午十時,大眾在浴佛偈的讚頌聲中,以恭敬心舀起一勺勺香湯沐佛,祈願佛陀的智慧法水,滌蕩人心中的無明煩惱,並以此法會功德回向法界有情及累世父母,離苦得樂,共證菩提。 法會後,大眾紛紛走向戶外,徐徐和風中,慶祝母親節素烤聯誼活動就此展開。歡喜、愉悅之情,洋溢在大眾臉上,親子之間的互動,更使當日的活動充滿溫馨氣氛。活動結束後,孩子們在父母的帶領下發心協助撤場,現場笑聲不斷,充滿天倫之樂。 學員心得 傳穎 牽著你的小手,把一瓢一瓢的香湯往太子佛的兩肩灑下,你可知媽媽希望你像佛陀一樣,慈悲、智慧、相好莊嚴?你可知佛陀比媽媽還愛你一千萬倍?佛時時刻刻惦著你,想盡辦法牽你的手,不讓你受傷,不讓你迷路。佛的心量無限寬廣,把愛散播給非親非故,乃至法界一切眾生。佛陀的愛,是不拘於時間與空間的。 James Martin When the Buddha baby was bathed butterflies lit on the cheeks of children; When the Buddha baby was bathed the wind blew smoke in her eyes; When the Buddha baby was bathed hindrances dissolved like morning fog; When the Buddha baby was bathed eyes greeted each other with smiles; When the Buddha baby was bathed James beat the drum and chanted; When the Buddha baby was bathed we tasted sweet pineapple; When the Buddha baby was bathed the sangha bowed to each other; When the Buddha baby was bathed trash goes in separate bins. (浴佛過後,孩子們的臉頰如蝶飛舞;浴佛過後,微風拂去她眼中的煙霧; 浴佛過後,一切障礙如那晨霧盡散;浴佛過後,一雙雙眼眸以微笑相迎; 浴佛過後,詹姆士呀歡欣擊鼓高吟;浴佛過後,我們細嘗著甜美的菠蘿; 浴佛過後,四眾弟子彼此彎身問訊;浴佛過後,一切煩惱都丟進垃圾桶。) |
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