Report of Grand Opening Purification and Consecration Ceremony at Buddha Mind Monastery

  佛心寺位處於美國中部的奧克拉荷馬州,由於導師 覺大和尚不捨一眾生的慈悲願力,道場建築自二○○四下半年開始整修,並接引有緣的西方人士或從台灣、中國或越南等地的移民及留學生。今年欣逢奧克拉荷馬州建州一百週年,在大眾啟請下,佛心寺於五月五日舉行灑淨暨佛像陞座開光大典,恭請中台禪寺住持見燈和尚主法,並傳授三皈依。

Welcome in the Will Roger airport
Purification Ceremony







Ven. Master Jian-Deng and all the acters and actresses.
English Drama
Songs of Buddhism
Reading Chinese prose
Dharma Guardian Group
Reception Group


  法會圓滿成功之背後都是三寶護佑及大眾的護持,在這一個半月的籌備期間,護法居士參與各項準備工作,希望從台灣、美國各州及當地來參加法會的人士,更加認識佛心寺的發展近況。特別感謝 Grand House,梁遵燕大德及各級禪修班學員發心成就此次殊勝的法會,也感恩 Old Time Buffet, New China Restaurant, Taj Indian Cuisine及護法居士贊助素食餐點。

  「佛心含攝一切法,禪水普潤三千界。」佛心寺秉持導師 覺大和尚的慈悲願力,將動靜一如的禪法傳播於奧克拉荷馬州,並促進中西文化交流。希望這片土地上的有緣眾生,都能透過佛法的修持,進而煩惱永斷,成就菩提道果。

Report of Grand Opening Purification and Consecration Ceremony at Buddha Mind Monastery

 Buddha Mind Monastery is located in Oklahoma, a state in the middle of United States. As the Grand Master Ven. Wei Chueh has great compassionate vows to liberate all sentient beings from suffering, the Buddha Mind Monastery was established in 2004. American practitioners, immigrants and students from Taiwan, China or Vietnam who were interested in Buddhism came to the monastery. Coinciding with the centennial of Oklahoma, dharma practitioners invited the Abbot of Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Ven. Master Jian-Deng to preside the Grand Opening Purification and Consecration Ceremony (GOPCC) on May 5. Soon after, there was also a Ceremony of Transmitting Three Refuges.

 On May 5, approximately one hundred and fifty people including Masters from various Zen Centers in the United States, honorable guests and dharma supporters joined the ceremony. At 9:30am, GOPCC began with chanting the Buddha name. Representative, Ms.De Lang, held the incense tray to receive the Abbot of Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Ven. Master Jian-Deng. All the proceedings were in English translations.

 During his dharma talk in the ceremony, Ven. Master Jian-Deng said,“Although there are east, west, north and south in a place; there are men, women, old and young ages for human, we all have a common ultimate goal, i.e.‘to hope for things to happen as one wishes. ’How do we attain this goal? We can assess this goal through the following three aspects:

 First, from material aspect; we have sufficient daily food to sustain us, such as firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea. Second, from spiritual aspect; we are able to increase our knowledge and education levels, join artistic and leisure activities. Third, from moralistic mind aspect; the mind is fully peaceful. This level includes the other two levels. When people know their minds, they are in charge of their lives.”

 Ven. Master Jian-Deng continued,“The essence of Buddhism is to help people recognize their true mind. This present mind is innate. You don't have to search from outside. Although everyone has their Buddha nature, why are people unhappy with their lives? That is because they don't know the difference between the true nature and functionality.

 All things change; they are impermanent. Everything follows the principles of dependent origination, the laws of causality. If we wish our dreams come true or see good results, we need to cultivate good merits and increase our blessings. We should let our minds function in a good and constructive way.

 If we pay attention, we notice that the ability of the mind to see and hear remains constant and unchanged. If you understand this true nature, you will have the wisdom of right view. Buddha is the awakened one, highest in merits and wisdom. If sentient beings keep on practicing until one hundred percent, they will become Buddha.

 There are almost one hundred and eight Zen Centers from Chung Tai Chan Monastery around the world. Five are in the United States and keep on increasing. The goal of Zen Center is to help people purify their minds and lead a better life. When you practice diligently and encourage families and friends to cultivate merits and increase blessings, peace in the world will come true.”

 After the ceremony, in order to celebrate this auspicious day, dharma practitioners performed three shows. First was the English drama named“The Story of Buddha's Birthday,”which was played by fifteen students from the Meditation and Mandarin Learning classes. In order to fit into the historical context, Indian costumes and Indian music were utilized. This drama was very successful and lots of audiences were moved by it. Next two items were Buddhist hymns singing and Chinese prose reading. Everyone felt the joy of Buddhism and the beauty of Chinese characters.

 Under the blessings of the Triple Gem(Buddha, Dharma and Sangha)and everyone's support, the GOPCC was very successful. During the fourty-five days of preparation, many dharma supporters were deeply involved. They hoped the honorable guests from Taiwan or from other cities would learn more about Buddha Mind Monastery. We appreciated Grand House, Ms.Tinny Chang and everyone's help very much. Besides, Old Time Buffet, New China Restaurant, Taj Indian Cuisine and many dharma supporters have helped cooked delicious vegetarian meals for this great event. Thanks a lot.

 “The Buddha mind includes all the dharmas, the water of Zen flows three thousand realms. ”Masters of Buddha Mind Monastery follow the great compassionate vow of Ven. Wei Chueh. They propagate Zen methods to Oklahoma and promote the connection between the east and west cultures. We hope that the sentient beings in this land, through Buddhism practice, will be free from vexations and reap bodhi fruits.


地址:5800 S. Anderson Rd., OKC, OK 73150, USA
